How to become a partner

Do you want to be partner of the international VirCamp family?

What you receive

  • membership in a dynamic international group of HEIs and learning community
  • high quality international e-courses for your students
  • the possibility for internationalisation@home as VirCamp courses take place online only
  • inclusive teaching and learning
  • the opportunity of international research & development

What we expect

  • equal contribution in workshare
  • integration of the international e-courses as optional courses into the  regular Social Work curriculum
  • teaching as part of the workload

Your students, teachers and institution will enormously benefit from joining VirCamp.

Types of memberships

Full Member

After the two-year-period upon an overall agreement, you will become a full member.

  • fee of 3.500€ per year


  • as per consortium agreement, euqal work share to organise and run the courses
  • alocation of head teachers, teachers, assessors, chairperson and steering committee members
  • investing around 340 hours per year
  • joining the regular Steering Committee, Consortium Management Group and teacher meeting plus special work groups, if needed

Types of memberships

Member with a Letter of Intent

With this option, your institution will be able to establish a good framework within your institution and a good relationship with the VirCamp Consortium. We only accept new institutions committed to becoming a full member.

  • duration of two years
  • first year half of the administrative fee, the second year full payment


  • designating a responsible person for the Steering Committeee joining the regular meetings
  • the dean or another designated person with budget/decision power participates in the Consortium Management Group meeting twice a year
  • 20 hours external assessment per year
  • future teachers need to participate in the E-Pedagogy course and attend the yearly meeting

Any questions or interested? Get in touch with the leading partner.